Wedding thank you card wording should maintain etiquette

Wedding thank you card wording is not included in the wedding plan. It is an integral part of the wedding but the responsibility solely rests on the shoulders of the newlywed couple to find adequate words to express their feeling. The matter may be very tricky because there may be people whom you are not very well acquainted to people who need special care. On the whole it is tough but still it is fun. This article will surely tell you how to plan for wedding thank you cards and how to put the right words.

Wedding thank you card wording

Planning for wedding thank you cards

Before you even rip open the first gift, find out your guest list. Find out the name of each and every person who has been invited. It is the most essential tool in finding the right words, as you open the gifts just note down beside each game the type of gift that has been presented to you. Do remember to note down the place where the person belongs to. The object of the card is to inform the person that you have received the gift and that you are grateful for it. The letter need not be elaborate; neither does it need to original. You can simply note down a thought or a few phrases skilfully to tell the person how the gift will be cherished forever. The trend is to address the card by the name of the person, to name the gift and of course your thank you note. Some additional details as to the toast that the person rose, or how the guest has travelled long to attend the party makes your wedding thank you card wordings more appropriate. Remember if you have received multiple gifts, each need a thank you note as a tradition. Being specific and noting in the card that how the gift is very coveted, may be very good gesture. If you receive money as a gift, do not mention the amount, but instead add a line depicting how you plan to spend it.

Wedding thank you card wording

Wedding thank you card wording must be written in blue or black on ivory paper. You can customise the card and add your own touch to the cards. First you may note how their presence has made the occasion even more special. It is as such a very important day for you and make sure they feel that they have been an integral part of the ceremony. You can write, ‘without your love and support the party would not have been successful. The wonderful vase that you presented will be cherished forever’. You can also pen down how it was special to be surrounded by people whom you love and care. You must thank their generosity and add a note how you yourself were planning for such kind of a gift presented to you by the guest.

You can surf the net and find out some of the most interesting and inspirational verses on the web. Remember wedding thank you cards are essential and they depict how you are truly obliged.